Ministries Overview
Our Marist Ministries in the United States include our seven owned Marist high schools, work in several Diocesan schools, two summer camps, a retreat center, parish work, retreat work, spiritual accompaniment, work with at-risk youth, young adult ministries, hospital chaplaincy, prison ministry, as well as work within University campuses.
Marist Brothers and Lay Marists in the USA Province serve as educators, counselors, spiritual directors, retreat coordinators, campus ministers, social workers, youth leaders, as well as advocates for those who are marginalized in society.
Our Ministries
Schools That Share the Marist Charism
Marist Brothers Center at Esopus
“Obviously, becoming a Marist Brother radically changed my life. I have followed in the footsteps of the many brothers who have gone before me and worked in education for the last 45 years. These years have given me a great deal of satisfaction and have connected my spirituality with my life’s work. I have found God in and through this work and my life in community.”