In a further effort to respond to the Calls of our 22nd General Chapter, the Province recently hired Mr. Sam King to assist the Province in responding to our Call to be in Solidarity with our Common Home. Sam will specifically work with us in developing realistic responses and action steps to the goals of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ Action Platform. He will be presenting to the leaders of our Schools next week at the Marist Leadership Conference and inviting them to ensure that all our Marist Ministries will develop clear goals in responding more deeply to embracing and living an Integral Ecology.
Sam King is a Research Associate with the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology and a Project Manager for Journey of the Universe. A former Fulbright scholar, he has taught in Peru, Sri Lanka, and Connecticut. Sam recently completed a Masters in Religion and Ecology at Yale Divinity School with a certificate in Educational Leadership and Ministry. He has worked closely with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, Co-Directors of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, and helped them build six massive open online courses (MOOCs) on religions and the environment. Sam is passionate about how ecological spirituality can inspire the transition to a more just and sustainable world.
We are grateful to the expertise and passion that Sam will bring to our Province in the years ahead as we work to build a greater response to this critical and needed area of engagement.
When Pope Francis recently met with our Marist Provincials in Rome, he challenged us as Marists to pay particular attention to the area of Ecology. He stressed that we as Marist Educators play a critical step in working with young people who have a great passion for Ecology and are the best hope our planet has for a sustainable future.