LET’S WALK AS ONE GLOBAL FAMILY! became the title of the message of the last General Chapter which took place in Colombia in 2017. Those who represented us at this important convocation expressed: For the vitality and viability of Marist mission and life today, we are called to be a global family. Interdependence, rather than isolation or independence, must be the new normal for us.
In response to this call and to carry out this message, the General Council took the decision to promote the project of launching an international network of schools to strengthen the Marist educational mission. Accompanied by the General Council, this great challenge has been entrusted to the Bureau of Education and Evangelisation.
Since its foundation, the Marist educational work has spread over the 5 continents, in nearly 80 countries, forming a map of 600 schools which are served by more than 70,000 educators and support personnel.
From the outset, the project has been approached with a collaborative, co-creative methodology that guarantees empathy and takes advantage of the capacities and richness of all the members involved in the Marist educational task.
In May 2019, a team was convened, representative of the different regions of the Institute, which projected the bases and design of the project to launch the Marist Global Network of Schools.
One of the first activities carried out by this team was to carry out a global consultation to gauge feelings about the proposed network:
The survey involved 15,956 members made up of principals, teachers, administrators, students and families from 58 different countries.
In summary, the survey answered three main questions, the answers to which are summarised below.
How could a global network improve your school?
- Strengthen the Marist brand and increase the sense of belonging.
- Share resources, best practices, training.
- Standardise Marist training for teachers.
- Raise awareness about the rest of the world
What would the best possible network look like?
- Exchanges for students and teachers
- Sharing experiences and resources
- Communication and interaction through a platform.
What are the expectations and feelings concerning the network?
- Participation of all members. Accessible to all
- Should not create more work for teachers
- Standardise taking into account differences
Along with these first contributions, surely in your heart and mind there are many other proposals that you will have the opportunity to share throughout the participatory process that is being generated around this global project, which will culminate in the network that we will be weaving together.
In the next newsletter we will tell you about the foundations on which the Global Marist Network of Schoolsproject is expected to be built.
The Marist Global Network of Schools is a project of the General Council in response to the calls of the 22nd General Chapter which called for us to be a global family. It will be a place of promotion for the Marist mission that is carried out in more than 600 schools in 80 countries. On behalf of the General Council, the Secretariat for Education and Evangelisation, in collaboration with the network of Marist publishers, is organising the launch of the network, which will take place from 25-29 October 2021. Further information about the network can be found here.