During the first week of the General Conference, the following topics were discussed:
A message from Brother Ernesto calling Provincials to be Prophetic and to "Look beyond,” so we might move toward a desired future.
An orientation for New Provincials was introduced and will continue in the weeks ahead.
The calls of the XXII General Chapter and the progress that has been achieved in implementing these Calls as well as examining areas of the Calls that still need our continued focus.
Reflecting on our style of Governance, with an emphasis on being Leaders in these new and challenging times. A new Book of essays, Marist Voices, on Marist Leadership was launched and includes essays from three of our USA Brothers, Br. Sean Sammon, Br. Ben Consigli and Br. Pat McNamara.
Provinces shared how they are implementing structures and programs to promote Marists of Champagnat.
The upcoming Year of Marist Vocations was examined and outlined.