Ministry in Judea: A Marist Perspective

November 29, 2024

The Three First Places

Following the Discourse on the Church, Jesus begins his journey to Jerusalem, in a segment of the Gospel sometimes called “The Ministry in Judea” (chs. 19-23). These chapters contain a story particularly important to the Marist Charism, the request of James’ and John’s mother in Mt 20.17-28. In a conversation with Marcellin, one of the brothers once expressed shock at the woman’s forwardness. Marcellin responded, “You think this woman was too ambitious; well I must admit that I am much more ambitious than she was.” 1 He went on to explain that whereas she only wanted one place of honor for each of her sons, he wanted three places of honor for his brothers: the Crib, the Cross, and the Altar.

The Crib, the Cross, and the Altar, or the Three First Places, was a frequent image for Marcellin. He wanted the Brothers to have a spirituality that focused on Christ’s Incarnation, Paschal Mystery, and Presence in the Eucharist. Today these continue to be the primary focal points of Marist spirituality. Water From the Rock states: 2

  • At the Crib we find the innocence, simplicity, gentleness and even weakness of a God who is capable of touching the hardest of hearts. There is no room for fear of a God who became a child.
  • At the foot of the Cross, we are in awe of a God who loves us without reserve. We find a God who shares the physical and psychological suffering, betrayal, abandonment and violence experienced by humanity, and transforms these experiences.

  • At the Altar, the Eucharist, we find a privileged place to enter into communion with the Body of Christ: to stand as one with all who are members and to deepen our relationship with the living presence of Jesus in our lives.

1 For this story, see Avis, Leçons, Sentences, chapter 6, pgs. 58-61

2 Water from the Rock #21-23

Illustration of Marcellin speaking with brothers, by Br. Gregorio “Goyo” Dominguez, courtesy