Matthew's Infancy Narrative: A Marist Perspective

January 21, 2025
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Joseph in the Marist Tradition

Both Mt and Lk begin with Infancy Narratives, i.e. accounts of Jesus’ birth and childhood. Lk’s version focuses on Mary, while Mt focuses on Joseph, so now is a good time to discuss the role of St Joseph in Marist spirituality. St Marcellin understood Joseph as one of the most important patrons of the Institute. In his Spiritual Testament, he wrote, “With devotion to Mary couple devotion to her noble spouse, glorious St Joseph. He is, as you know, one of our leading patrons.” To Champagnat, it was only natural that Joseph would serve as a role model for the Brothers, men who were devoted to Jesus and Mary and who spent much of their time engaged in manual labor.

Marists often summarize our spirituality in terms of the Five Pillars. It is striking to look at Joseph in light of these values:

  • Presence: a righteous man sensitive to the will of God

  • Family Spirit: Mary’s husband and Jesus’ foster father, who dedicated himself to caring for and protecting his family

  • Simplicity: so humble and straightforward that he doesn’t say anything even when he’s the main character of a passage

  • Love of Work: a craftsman who supported his family by his trade and passed it along to his foster son

  • Way of Mary: Mary’s husband, who companioned her throughout her life

The patrons of the Marist USA Province are the Holy Family, of which St Joseph is of course part. The icon below of the Holy Family (including St Anne and St Joachim) was commissioned by Br Dan O’Riordan at the start of his first term as provincial in 2021 from liturgical artist Cecilia Lawrence.

Holy Family Icon by Cecilia Lawrence