Celebrating Cohort 4 of Marists of Champagnat

June 06, 2024

BR Dan: Each of you have spent formidable time examining and living the Marist charism. This charism is a gift to the Church and to the World and we live it fully as disciples of Jesus, Mary and Marcellin.

Marists of Cohort 4: We have walked this journey together and this day we are ready to commit ourselves to join in our common mission to make Jesus known and loved.

These were the words spoken by the 33 members of Cohort 4 as they began their committed journey in our Marist charism. They were joined by groups around the province who gathered in various locations, as well as many who joined in by Zoom. Welcome to our newest members!

The Marists of Champagnat Hearts in Action service days began last night with a commissioning pray on Zoom. Groups are going out over the weekend in Brownsville, Chicago, Lawrence, New York and Miami. Marists in Eugene performed their service last weekend. Many others are finding places in their own locations to serve in some capacity. Phots will be available on Smugmug by Sunday. Please join us in our closing prayer on Sunday night to view the slide show of service.

The Lay Marist Council met in the Bronx for their semi annual in person meeting. As we look to continue the theme that Br Dan announced after the Chapter - to rebuild the spirit of L'Hermitage- we discussed how we can continue to build on our strengths while creating new pathways for engagement and commitment to community. Br Dan joined us for the afternoon session.