I’m happy to have the opportunity to tell you a little about our care for our elderly and disabled Marist Brothers.
I don’t have to tell you that the responsibility of caring for an elderly parent or dear friend is something that often falls to us out of necessity and love, not choice. But I was given a choice.
I was asked to take on the care of our elderly and disabled Marist Brothers in 2001. I hesitated. My background is in teaching science and religion, at the secondary and collegiate levels. I taught in New York City, the Bronx, New York, at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, on the Indian reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and in Jackson, Mississippi. To assist with financing the care for our elderly Brothers is a far cry from my background. But ever since I accepted, I have been amazed and proud of all the support we have received for the care of these good Brothers.
There is much our elderly Brothers share with me when we talk. You’ll recognize their concerns: their concern over being a financial burden on the younger Brothers, their embarrassment in not reaching a bathroom in time, their loss of strength in their hands.
Yet I see them perking up in the company of their fellow Marist Brothers in our retirement communities. These good men are their family, Brothers they went through training with, Brothers they taught side by side with, Brothers they shared the same laughs and hours at prayer with.
Now they share their suffering together, their memories together, their losses together, their prayers together. They are blessed.
And so are we: by your compassion and your support. We have asked for your partnership in caring for our elderly and disabled Brothers and you have responded, even in these difficult financial times.
In parting, I offer you our sincere “Thanks,” and our delight over your continued friendship!
Br. Hugh P. Turley, FMS, CFRE
Director, Senior Brothers Care Program