Another Solidarity experience that is widely used by our USA Province is providing opportunities for individuals or groups to utilize Magnificat Farm in Jackson, KY. These experiences allow folks to encounter God in the people and the land of this Appalachian mountain area. Magnificat farm is run by two USA Lay Marists, Ellen and Josh Van Cleef.

Magnificat Farm - 1

Groups enjoy weeklong service weeks which assist local families to overcome many challenging realities, including recovery from recent devastating floods in this region of Kentucky. Participants stay at Magnificat Farm and also learn about the area’s rich history and culture. Another aspect of these Mission trips focuses on Laudato Si and the earth, with time set aside to hike the Red River Gorge and do rugged trail building on the Farm property. 

Individuals are also welcome to enjoy private retreats in this beautiful surrounding and live in one of the Hermitages on the property.