Br. Lawrence Lavallee, FMS

Celebrating 50 Years as a Marist Brother!

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Br. Larry Lavallee was a candidate with the Marist Brothers from 1968-1974, during which time he worked at Marist High School in Eugene, OR. He entered the Marist Novitiate at Cold Spring-on-Hudson, NY in 1974, professed his First Vows in 1975, and his Perpetual Vows in 1978. During his career he served as a teacher at St. Agnes Boys High School in NYC (1975-76), teacher and campus minister at Marist High School in Chicago, IL (1976-85), and teacher and Dean of Studies at St. Elizabeth High School in Oakland, CA (1985-87). He was principal at Marist High School in Chicago, IL (1987-93), Our Lady of Lourdes High School in Poughkeepsie, NY (1993-2000), SS. Peter and Paul School in St. Thomas, USVI (2000-04), Corpus Christi School in NYC (2004-06), Mount St. Michael Academy in the Bronx, NY (2006-08), Queen of Peace High School in North Arlington, NJ (2008-13), St. Brigid School in Brooklyn, NY (2013-14), and was an administrative assistant at Marist High School in Chicago, IL (2014-16). Br. Larry was Director of Candidates and also served internationally in Marist formation houses at the Postulancy House in Davao and the Scholasticate in Manila, Philippines. Since 2021 he has served as the Director of our 89th Avenue Retirement Community in Miami, FL.