Br. Kevin Brogan, FMS

Celebrating 60 Years as a Marist Brother!

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Br. Kevin Brogan is celebrating his 60th Jubilee as a Marist Brother. Br. Kevin Brogan entered the Marist Brothers at Esopus, NY in 1963 and became a Novice in 1964. He professed his first vows in 1965 before completing a BA in Biology at Marist College in 1968. He professed his perpetual vows in 1973. During his career, he served as a teacher, guidance counselor, and coach at St. Joseph Academy in Brownsville, TX (1968-81) and as Athletic Director and Assistant Principal for Discipline (1988-97), as a teacher and counselor at Archbishop Molloy High School in Briarwood, NY (1981-84 and 1997-present), and as Assistant Principal for Academics at Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, FL (1984-88). He earned several Graduate Degrees from Antioch College, Pan American University, St. Mary’s College, and the University of Texas. Br. Kevin continues to reside and work at Archbishop Molloy High School.